I Am A Changed Man: From Street Gang Leader To Mentor For Matreps | I Am Sahri #KIC #IAmAmongUs
Unlike most children we imagine having a relatively ordinary and healthy upbringing in Singapore, Sahri grew up in a ‘rough’ environment, surrounded by equally ‘rough’ company. However, despite these lesser circumstances that led Sahri to commit some serious mistakes and end up being incarcerated in his youth, Sahri miraculously made the conscious decision to turn his life around for the better.
Today, he is known by his peers and mentees as Matrep Mentor, a once misguided youth who is now committed to the straight path and is helping other at-risk youths to find their way.
This is Sahri’s story of repentance and how a person’s character is not defined by his past mistakes, but rather the choices he makes in spite of them.
I Am A Changed Man: From Repeat Offender To Youth Mentor | I Am Halis #KIC #IAmAmongUs