"We are all storytellers, weaving the threads of our lives into narratives that can inspire, educate, and connect us to one another if we open our hearts to really hear them."
• 9/16/22
I Survived...Epilepsy, Stroke, 5 Brain Surgeries & Paralysis Twice | I Am Mirza #KIC #IAmAmongUs
After being diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 10, football-enthusiast Mirza was forced to relinquish his dream of playing football for a more sedately-paced lifestyle in order to curb the risk of seizures. But what had once been a sore point in his life could never measure up to the agony he would later experience at the age of 18, when he awoke the next morning paralysed from a stroke.
Between relearning how to perform basic tasks such as standing, walking and writing, enduring multiple brain surgeries, struggling against the effects of heavy medication and a relapse, Mirza’s life is certainly far from a fairytale. But against all odds, Mirza, through his unwillingness to give up, not only made a miraculous recovery, but he was also blessed with a successful business and a loving family of his own.
This is Mirza’s story of optimism and perseverance, and a testament to how good things come to those who wait and who strive with beautiful patience. -
• 9/9/22
Losing 100% Of My Sight: I Saw Their True Colours When I Went Blind | I Am Mansor #KIC #IamAmongUs
At age 25, Mansor was knocked down by a quarter-life crisis like no other. Despite having spent the former years of his life a relatively healthy and sighted person, Mansor found himself suddenly among a small and unfortunate percentage of individuals afflicted with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH). After spending three months in the hospital and undergoing multiple surgeries, Mansor was confronted by a hard truth: he had lost complete vision in both eyes and would have to spend the rest of his life in total darkness.
Nevertheless, Mansor has proven that it takes more than sudden blindness to cripple his spirit. Through sheer grit and determination, Mansor adapted to his new reality, and two years after losing his sight, he finally managed to complete his Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Media Studies. Today, he is working in the sustainability and marketing department of an MNC in Singapore.
This is Mansor’s story of hope and how he managed to find the light in the darkness. -
• 9/2/22
Living With Spina Bifida: Don’t Pity Me Because I’m In A Wheelchair | I Am Zahid #KIC #IamAmongUs
Born with spina bifida, Zahid spent his entire life without the ability to feel any sensation in his legs. Yet, being wheelchair-bound never stopped Zahid from striving to be self-sufficient. After graduating from ITE, he worked full-time as an admin assistant, telemarketer and customer service officer. However, when his health issues took a turn for the worse, Zahid decided to start his own business, Ayeed the Courier, delivering small items and packages across the island using only his wheelchair and public transportation.
This is Zahid’s story of resilience and how living a grateful and happy life is always a choice, regardless of one’s circumstances. -
• 8/26/22
I Beat Cancer: The Doctors Said I Only Had 5% Chance To Live | I Am Fuad (Part 2) #KIC #IAmAmongUs
A continuation of the previous episode where Fuad Fahmi a.k.a. Captain Roti shares his journey to recovery and the start of his new adventure as a self-taught home baker.
• 8/19/22
I Beat Cancer: The Doctors Said I Only Had 5% Chance To Live | I Am Fuad (Part 1) #KIC #IAmAmongUs
Athletic, intelligent, talented and ambitious, Fuad had a bright start to life. After sailing through school, he then joined the Singapore Armed Forces, rising quickly through the ranks to become a Captain. It was at this peak of his life, in his early 30s, when his health took a sudden and unexpected dive.
Before he knew it, he was diagnosed with late stage choriocarcinoma, a rare type of cancer, with only a 5% chance of survival. On the cusp of death, fighting against debilitating pain and an even more vicious inner turmoil, Fuad did what most would do: he surrendered. Yet, rather than surrendering to a ‘death sentence’, he found himself guided to surrender to God and to His will.
This is Fuad’s story of transformation and belief–and how sincere submission to the Almighty in the face of his darkest trials led Fuad to experience his own miracle: a complete recovery from cancer. -
• 8/12/22
I Survived Black Magic: I Trusted Her & She Tried To Kill Me | I Am Sarimah #KIC #IAmAmongUs
Sarimah Amat is no stranger to her community. With a radiant and positive energy, she is known by many for her big heart and altruistic deeds—among them, organising multiple projects to collect stationery and essentials for needy children locally and abroad, helping the less fortunate members of the community, and actively fostering children in her own home.
Yet, before she became a woman who found her calling in helping others, she, too, was a woman in need of help—particularly when someone she once believed to be a close and trusted friend sought to ruin her life by using black magic against her.
This is Sarimah’s story of healing and how the true test of character and strength is often revealed during one’s hardest trials. -
• 8/5/22
Raising A Child With ADHD: Even Letting Him Go To School Worries Me | I Am Datum #KIC #IAmAmongUs
For 20 years, Datum has laboured tirelessly at the Emergency Department (SGH) as a nurse, where she deals with various daunting cases on daily basis. Yet, in spite of her exhausting and at times underappreciated role as a frontliner, Datum’s challenges never cease. At home, she is an equally dedicated wife and mother to five children, including a teenage son who was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) three years ago.
This is Datum’s story about motherhood and the trials and blessings of raising a child with special needs. -
• 7/29/22
I Am A Changed Man: From Repeat Offender To Youth Mentor | I Am Halis #KIC #IAmAmongUs
Despite a sound religious upbringing, teenage curiosity and an overwhelming desire to fit in led Halis to getting entangled with the wrong company for a significant portion of his youth. However, after multiple setbacks and four sentences served in prison, Halis finally made the commitment to turn his life around for the better.
Today, Halis is a director of his own startup. Yet, alongside his daily business routine, he is also living his original dream—to teach, by reaching out to at-risk youths and guiding others towards the path of reform.
Aside from recalling the raw details of his personal experience in prison, this story also offers a glimpse of Halis’s honest reflection on life—of recognising the frailty of the human condition and yet striving to put his best foot forward anyway. -
• 7/22/22
I Am A Changed Man: From Street Gang Leader To Mentor For Matreps | I Am Sahri #KIC #IAmAmongUs
Unlike most children we imagine having a relatively ordinary and healthy upbringing in Singapore, Sahri grew up in a ‘rough’ environment, surrounded by equally ‘rough’ company. However, despite these lesser circumstances that led Sahri to commit some serious mistakes and end up being incarcerated in his youth, Sahri miraculously made the conscious decision to turn his life around for the better.
Today, he is known by his peers and mentees as Matrep Mentor, a once misguided youth who is now committed to the straight path and is helping other at-risk youths to find their way.
This is Sahri’s story of repentance and how a person’s character is not defined by his past mistakes, but rather the choices he makes in spite of them. -
• 7/15/22
I Am A Changed Man: From Selling Contraband To Running My Own Bakery | I Am Khairul #KIC #IamAmongUs
Khairul Anwar went through what one might consider an unconventional path in life. Formerly a police officer, Khairul quit his job and found himself on the other side of the law. However, after being convicted and sentenced to three years in prison, Khairul, both inspired and humbled by the unswerving love and forgiveness from his wife, decided to turn his life around for the better.
With the support of his family, Khairul and his wife combined forces to build up Bakes by NY, once a modest home-based business and today a flourishing bakery with three outlets in Singapore.
This is Khairul’s story of redemption and how true change begins with forgiveness, hard work and determination.