
I Am A Changed Man: From Repeat Offender To Youth Mentor | I Am Halis #KIC #IAmAmongUs

Despite a sound religious upbringing, teenage curiosity and an overwhelming desire to fit in led Halis to getting entangled with the wrong company for a significant portion of his youth. However, after multiple setbacks and four sentences served in prison, Halis finally made the commitment to turn his life around for the better.

Today, Halis is a director of his own startup. Yet, alongside his daily business routine, he is also living his original dream—to teach, by reaching out to at-risk youths and guiding others towards the path of reform.

Aside from recalling the raw details of his personal experience in prison, this story also offers a glimpse of Halis’s honest reflection on life—of recognising the frailty of the human condition and yet striving to put his best foot forward anyway.


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